Material theory energy information creationism of the XX1 Century. From biocomputer to nano-organic quantum information super machine alive. Renat Rashitovitch Ibadulin, 2019.
Ибадулин: Мы люди. Жизнь. Начало.

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Ibadulin Renat Rashitovich © Moscow 2004-2019  

Мы люди. Жизнь. Начало. Ибадулин Ренат Рашитович: Теория информационного устройства живого.









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Material theory
energy information creationism
of the XX1 Century.

From biocomputer
to nano-organic quantum
information super machine alive

November 25, 2018.

This is the full title of my new book (Moscow, 2018, p. 248, 150 copies), completing the trilogy of the information nature of the living.

The preparation of the book, the comprehension of the complex of new data, made it possible with a high degree of probability to correct its own worldview for the appearance of organisms. To complete a more than 20-year journey towards the materialization of living things on the basis of material energy-information creationism, realized through the creation of nano-organic information quantum supermachines, combining them into huge information networks of multicellular organisms that possess, at small sizes, fantastic information power.

Many options are considered when choosing the name of the book. Was it necessary to use the term - “creationism”, which in the scientific world, when it was first voiced, evokes negative emotions and opposition? Its main semantic content won - creative, without religion and without Darwin.

Attention is drawn to the known facts of the highest speeds of information interactions in organisms, which should significantly exceed the capacities of the technical supercomputers created today. Experts believe that a further increase in the power of information machines will be possible when they are designed at the quantum level.

The opinion of Academician N.P. Bechtereva about the turn, which reached the science of the brain and which can not be overcome on the basis of the old ideologies and technologies. Behind this frontier is a new for researchers of the living quantum level of organization of matter, including the brain, and all informational interactions in organisms. Natural selection and evolution, without reason and creator, the emergence of such an organization can not be explained.

The book negates the role of evolution and natural selection in the emergence of living, the achievement of a huge species diversity of organisms and their uninterrupted progressive development. The author considers as the real driving force of these processes the organisms themselves, implementing the original, universal, ubiquitous and eternal inequality of organisms envisaged by the creators, leading to the formation of innumerable types of interactions, including creative ones. The law is not only for humans, but for all species, for every organism.

In the interests of the science of living biologists, it is necessary to hurry to become information physicists, and biologists to physicists who have recognized the informational essence of the living, abandoning the theories of natural selection and evolution. Optimally, if there is a combined specialty and a separate branch of knowledge. Such integration is vital.

When the book was already in the printing house, information appeared in the media that had a direct bearing on the topic considered in it.

The press service of the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester (UK) announced the creation of the world's largest neuromorphic supercomputer SpiNNaker, simulating the work of the human brain.

The computer is equipped with a processor of 1 million cores and is capable of performing more than 200 trillion actions per second, each of its chips having 100 million moving parts. The creators of the computer plan to “increase the processor to 1 billion nuclei, which is only one 1% of the human brain, which consists of just under 100 billion neurons that are interconnected by about 1 quadrillion (that's 1 with 15 zeros) of synapses. For comparison: the mouse brain consists of almost 100 million neurons. ”

At the University of the Basque Country (Spain) they created a simulation of life on a quantum computer. Their research is described in the journal Scientific Reports . To understand what the units of quantum life, consisting of two qubits, is, especially the mechanism of their interaction, is not given to specialists. When asked whether the origin of life is indeed quantum-mechanical in nature, the authors of the work “leave it open”.

What do these two links show? I am satisfied that to some extent they confirm my conclusions about live informational machines based on quantum interactions. On the other hand, I understand that the pursuers of the theory are already attacking. If centralized measures are not taken, then priorities and prestigious awards will again pass by Russian science.







Articles published on the Internet:

Can be considered the sciences of living genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics? (2005 year) (RU)

Systems, information, live. (2006 ) (RU)
Theory of Informational Device Alive. The Internet is inside us. (2006) (RU)
Live without Darwin. Biology without unnatural natural selection. (2009 ) (RU)

The fact of "dog loyalty" Darwinian evolution. (2010 ) (RU)
About a hundred questions for evolutionists. (2010 ) (RU)

Alternative theory of evolution. (2011) (RU)

Magic is alive: from genome to brain. (2012 ) (RU)

Life from space? Organisms in outer space? (2013) (RU)

Cybernetics is older than living. (2013) (RU)

Absolute, eternal and universal inequality of organisms is a biological law. (year 2014) (RU)

Paradoxes in return for laws. (2015) (RU)

Appeal to scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016) (RU)

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Information Creationism (2017) (RU)

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